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2011. április 15., péntek



Zsidók okozták a japán atomkatasztrófát?
Publicisztika| Egy olvasónk küldte el szerkesztőségünk címére azt a japán cikket, amely érdekes dolgot feszeget. Ez a CIA és a Moszad által kifejlesztett STUXNET vírus.

A japán író hozzászólása nagyon lerövidített változatban:

Figyelmes lettem arra, hogy izraeli szakértő csoport érkezik Japánba. Ha éppen nem használhatatlan vakcinákat akarnak ránk sózni, vagy nem lehet májakat és veséket lopni (mert ugye sugárfertőzött) akkor mi a fenének jönnek ezek ide. Ez a kérdés szöget ütött a fejembe, és elkezdtem utánanézni a dolgoknak. Számomra rendkívül érdekes kép állt össze.

A fukusimai erőmű a rengések következtében sérült meg. A rengések után a reaktorok hűtését nem tudták megoldani. Miért nem? A szakemberek órákon belül visszakapcsolták az elektromos hálózatra a rendszert, de az nem működött. Valószínűleg az áramrendszer hibája miatt. Az erőmű kamerái, melyeket bizonyos internetes oldalakon meg lehet nézni, rögzítik a folyamatos erőfeszítéseket. Látható volt, hogy a rendszer nem indul újra. Viszont az is látható, hogy a hűtő rendszer dízel aggregátorai teljesen sértetlenek.

A szakemberek ezek után a dízel aggregátorokkal akarták újraindítani a hűtőrendszert, de így sem indult el. Többszöri próbálkozás után elrendelték a reaktor külső hűtését. Eközben akkumulátorokat hoztak, hogy azzal indítsák el a hűtést, ez sem sikerült. Pillanatnyilag úgy néz ki, hogy semmilyen módon nem sikerül beindítani a hűtőrendszert, és a katasztrófa elkerülhetetlen lesz.

Aztán felmerült bennem a gyanú. Egy hűtőrendszer számítógép vezérelt. Ha valami hiba van, akkor a rendszernek jelezni kell pontosan hogy hol, mi a hiba, a szakemberek kijavítják, és a rendszer máris működik. Viszont ha nem találják a hibát, de a számítógépes rendszer működik, akkor ott a programban van a hiba. Egy ilyen programban viszont nem lehet ilyen jellegű hiba, csak ha szándékosan teszik bele. Vagyis valami sokkal rejtettebb programhibának kell itt lenni.

Milyen programhiba lehetséges? Egyetlen olyan program van a világon, melyet arra fejlesztettek ki, hogy atomreaktorokban hibákat okozzon. Ez a CIA és a Moszad által kifejlesztett STUXNET. Iránban állítólag dúsítás alatt álló fűtőanyagot, centrifugákat tett tönkre, valamint gondokat okozott a reaktor beindításakor is. A mostani próba indításkor is hibát jelzett a rendszer. Szlovákiában be akartak indítani egy új reaktort, de ott is gond volt, ami miatt további reaktorokat kellett leállítani a közelmúltban.

Izraelnek és az USA-nak semmi oka nem volt japán erőműben kárt tenni. Vagyis ebből következik valami. A számítógépes vírus kiszabadult a kezükből, és szabadon garázdálkodik a világhálón. A programot arra tervezték, hogy teljesen láthatatlan maradjon, csak bekerüljön egy reaktor számítógépes rendszerébe, és várja az alkalmat. Bármi változás áll be az addigi állapotokban, vagyis amikor ingatag a rendszer egy kicsit is, azonnal működésbe lép, és hibákat okoz úgy, hogy azokat nagyon nehéz legyen észrevenni, mert a központ felé a jó adatokat küldi. Ha ez a vírus kiszabadult, mint láthatjuk Szlovákia esetén, bármikor bárhol bajt okozhat.

Valószínűleg ezért jöttek a zsidók ide, hogy megpróbálják a nyomokat eltüntetni, mert ezért a katasztrófáért is ők a felelősek. Van egy valószínűsíthető másik felelős is. Valamennyi reaktor a Siemens számítógépes atomreaktorok számára kifejlesztett programot használja. Benne vannak a vírus kifejlesztésében? Egészen biztosan. Mert ha valaki tudja, hogy lehet ott elrejteni valamit, akkor azok tudják, akik a programot készítették.

Ez a vírus valóban emberiségellenes katasztrófát okozhat bárhol és bármikor.

Összeállt a kép?



HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced.
Posted by PC Latest news, World news Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced.
Posted by PC Latest news, World news Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer. This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field (Earth’s magnetosphere) in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. Notions have been added to the image to show you what was happening the day the Japan earthquake and tsunami struck.

By looking at the accompanying HAARP spectrum chart above you can see when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck – red line drawn vertically – and what was happening before and after the earthquake. What you can also see is a constant ULF frequency of 2.5 Hz being recorded by the magnetometer. The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence of an induced earthquake. The chart recorded this constant before, during and after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck. On March 11, 2011 the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being emitted and recorded from 0:00 hours to about 10:00 hours – or for 10 hours. We know for a fact that the Japan earthquake lasted only a few minutes so why was the earthquake signature frequency (2.5 Hz) being recorded for 10 hours on the morning of March 11, 2011? Because a HAARP phased array antenna system was broadcasting (transmitting) the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

If you go to HAARP’s official website you can see for yourself that the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency wasn’t only being broadcated for 10 hours, it was constantly being broadcasted for 2 days prior to the earthquake. Broadcasting began on March 8, 2011, just before midnight as you can see on HAARP’s website page – Click on the Next Day link to see that the earthquake inducing 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being broadcasted for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. Even though the signature frequency of an earthquake was shown throughout March 9 and March 10 there were no constant earthquakes occurring off the east coast of Japan.

What is the significance of a 2.5 Hz ULF broadcast? The natural resonance of an earthquake is 2.5 Hz. Scientists working for the United States military discovered this using the phased array antennas at the HAARP facility in Alaska. HAARP’s own charts suggests that earthquakes occurred constantly for 3 days. We know for a fact that they haven’t.

The HAARP magnetometer data provides proof that the Japan earthquake was not a naturally occurring quake – it was triggered. This data shows us that a HAARP military installation was broadcasting the known earthquake signature frequency in order to trigger a major earthquake. The broadcast was most likely being transmitted from a floating HAARP system like the floating Sea-Based X-Band Radar platform that can be moved anywhere in the Pacific or Atlantic ocean under the protection of a carrier strike group – like the USS Ronald Regan. Where was the USS Ronald Reagan on the morning of March 11, 2011? According to a Stars & Stripes March 9, 2011 report – Reagan carrier group steams toward South Korea to join exercise.

Evidence or Conspiracy theory?

Is this evidence or just a bunch of nonsense attached to a baseless conspiracy theory and recklessly made public by a crackpot? The above image is of the HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform which does exist – not a conspiracy theory. The preceding link is to the United States Navy website. What is sitting on top of the deck of the SBX is a phased array antenna – a key component of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) GMD system – clearly not a conspiracy theory.

The military vessel includes power plant, a bridge, control rooms, living quarters, storage areas and the infrastructure necessary to support the massive X-band radar. The SBX radar is the most sophisticated phased array, electro-mechanically steered X-band radar in the world – according to Boeing claims. The phased array antenna consists of thousands of antennas driven by transmit/receive modules. The radar is designed and built by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems for Boeing, the prime contractor on the project for the United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Boeing, Raytheon and MDA exists – also not a conspiracy theory.

HAARP does exists. The HAARP program is no secret. Their own website states that: The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of: The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study. Even World renowned Stanford University knows about and publishes reports on the activities at the HAARP installations – Experiments with the HAARP Ionospheric Heater – According to Stanford -

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility is located in Gakona, Alaska at 62.39º N, 145.15º W, near mile 11 of the Tok Cutoff Highway. The facility houses many diagnostic instruments for studying the ionosphere, but the highlight is the HF transmitter array. This array consists of 15×12 crossed dipole antennas, which together can transmit a total of 3600kW of RF power at frequencies from 2.8 – 10 MHz (HF, high frequency range). This power is partially absorbed by the ionosphere, and though only a tiny fraction of the power it naturally receives from the sun, can still produce subtle changes that can be detected with sensitive instruments.

The VLF group focuses on using HAARP to generate ELF and VLF waves through a process called modulated heating. Such experiments have been conducted since 1999.

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The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer. This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field (Earth’s magnetosphere) in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. Notions have been added to the image to show you what was happening the day the Japan earthquake and tsunami struck.

By looking at the accompanying HAARP spectrum chart above you can see when the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck – red line drawn vertically – and what was happening before and after the earthquake. What you can also see is a constant ULF frequency of 2.5 Hz being recorded by the magnetometer. The ULF 2.5 Hz frequency is evidence of an induced earthquake. The chart recorded this constant before, during and after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck. On March 11, 2011 the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being emitted and recorded from 0:00 hours to about 10:00 hours – or for 10 hours. We know for a fact that the Japan earthquake lasted only a few minutes so why was the earthquake signature frequency (2.5 Hz) being recorded for 10 hours on the morning of March 11, 2011? Because a HAARP phased array antenna system was broadcasting (transmitting) the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it triggered the Japan earthquake and ensuing tsunami.

If you go to HAARP’s official website you can see for yourself that the 2.5 Hz ULF frequency wasn’t only being broadcated for 10 hours, it was constantly being broadcasted for 2 days prior to the earthquake. Broadcasting began on March 8, 2011, just before midnight as you can see on HAARP’s website page – Click on the Next Day link to see that the earthquake inducing 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being broadcasted for the entire days of March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. Even though the signature frequency of an earthquake was shown throughout March 9 and March 10 there were no constant earthquakes occurring off the east coast of Japan.

What is the significance of a 2.5 Hz ULF broadcast? The natural resonance of an earthquake is 2.5 Hz. Scientists working for the United States military discovered this using the phased array antennas at the HAARP facility in Alaska. HAARP’s own charts suggests that earthquakes occurred constantly for 3 days. We know for a fact that they haven’t.

The HAARP magnetometer data provides proof that the Japan earthquake was not a naturally occurring quake – it was triggered. This data shows us that a HAARP military installation was broadcasting the known earthquake signature frequency in order to trigger a major earthquake. The broadcast was most likely being transmitted from a floating HAARP system like the floating Sea-Based X-Band Radar platform that can be moved anywhere in the Pacific or Atlantic ocean under the protection of a carrier strike group – like the USS Ronald Regan. Where was the USS Ronald Reagan on the morning of March 11, 2011? According to a Stars & Stripes March 9, 2011 report – Reagan carrier group steams toward South Korea to join exercise.

Evidence or Conspiracy theory?

Is this evidence or just a bunch of nonsense attached to a baseless conspiracy theory and recklessly made public by a crackpot? The above image is of the HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform which does exist – not a conspiracy theory. The preceding link is to the United States Navy website. What is sitting on top of the deck of the SBX is a phased array antenna – a key component of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) GMD system – clearly not a conspiracy theory.

The military vessel includes power plant, a bridge, control rooms, living quarters, storage areas and the infrastructure necessary to support the massive X-band radar. The SBX radar is the most sophisticated phased array, electro-mechanically steered X-band radar in the world – according to Boeing claims. The phased array antenna consists of thousands of antennas driven by transmit/receive modules. The radar is designed and built by Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems for Boeing, the prime contractor on the project for the United States Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Boeing, Raytheon and MDA exists – also not a conspiracy theory.

HAARP does exists. The HAARP program is no secret. Their own website states that: The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of: The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study. Even World renowned Stanford University knows about and publishes reports on the activities at the HAARP installations – Experiments with the HAARP Ionospheric Heater – According to Stanford -

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility is located in Gakona, Alaska at 62.39º N, 145.15º W, near mile 11 of the Tok Cutoff Highway. The facility houses many diagnostic instruments for studying the ionosphere, but the highlight is the HF transmitter array. This array consists of 15×12 crossed dipole antennas, which together can transmit a total of 3600kW of RF power at frequencies from 2.8 – 10 MHz (HF, high frequency range). This power is partially absorbed by the ionosphere, and though only a tiny fraction of the power it naturally receives from the sun, can still produce subtle changes that can be detected with sensitive instruments.

The VLF group focuses on using HAARP to generate ELF and VLF waves through a process called modulated heating. Such experiments have been conducted since 1999.

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